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It’s the holiday season… and with it comes a lot of emotions. If you’re a Christ follower like me, you enjoy the songs on all the stations that celebrate the birth of Jesus. You get to marvel in the wonder of the virgin birth and the great gift of salvation that God gave to us in the form of his Son coming to earth to be our sinless sacrifice. At the same time…baby, it’s cold outside. It’s cuddling season. Cuffing season. If you’re not in a relationship, you might be tempted to lament your single status or go out looking fresh and clean in search of your holiday bae.

There’s a lie lurking out there during the holidays that you (if you’re single) might be tempted to believe; that is that you are alone. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially during the Christmas season. If you look closely, you will see Christmas cheer all around you. Families are opening up their homes to friends and friends of friends to share meals and games and fresh baked treats. Churches are opening up their doors for fellowship of all kinds. Charities are offering opportunities for you to be a hero to someone in need, like a foster child, a homeless child, or a food insecure family. And even if none of that were true, here the truth: Jesus said “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). Again, in Matthew 28:20 he said, “I am with you always even to the end of the age.”

So, instead of believing the lie that you need a partner or a bae so that you’re not lonely this Christmas, embrace the truth that not only is Christ with you, but the whole world is welcoming you to join them in the celebrations of the season.

Don’t believe the loneliness lie this Christmas season. Embrace opportunities for fellowship with others, basking in the truth that Christ is God’s gift to you in this season and all year long.

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